Hello there then. This is me' first Blog. I suppose you're wondering why you want to read this eh'? Well, you have no reason whatsoever, Cept' unless you like some randomness. I suppose I will talk about things I do (or don't actually do) maybe some games, new things in the news, ramblings, thing I find interesting, or just about anything else you could think up that someone might want to say to someone..... So if any of this interests you this might be the place for you.
Well, since there's nothing else I can think of right now I'll just give ya some links to some interesting things, post a comment and give me some inspiration of what I could talk about :p
Wyvern Is just about my favorite game in the world.
This is a lil' forum I use.
Hmmm.... I hope any of that interested you. Weeeeelll...What next.... how bout' a story!
One day i was on top of a very tall building, looking over the edge. Next thing i know theres this hobo guy up there on the other side, holding a small stick. He says "ye may face daeth upon me lance or sword take yer pick." I proceeded to say "Whadda Fuuuuuuuuu?" Then the hobo promptly started running towards me, i dodged out of the way, he fell off the building and then suddenly appeared back on. He said "You have faced thee tests! You are worthy to see a red rubber ball!" He then descended down the stairs and I, after a few minutes, went down too, and then bought some corn from a nearby KFC.
Okay, thats all for now, have a nice day! n.n